Contemplative Outreach Northern Nevada

Recommended Websites
These are websites that will help you on your spiritual journey and practice of Centering Prayer.
Contemplative Outreach is a spiritual network of individuals and small faith communities committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel. The common desire for Divine transformation, primarily expressed through a commitment to a daily Centering Prayer practice, unites their international, interdenominational community.
Today, Contemplative Outreach annually serves over 40,000 people; supports over 120 active contemplative chapters in 39 countries; supports over 800 prayer groups; teaches over 15,000 people the practice of Centering Prayer and other contemplative practices through locally-hosted workshops; and provides training and resources to local chapters and volunteers. They also publish and distribute the wisdom teachings of Fr. Thomas Keating and other resources that support the contemplative life.
Contemplative Outreach promotes Centering Prayer, a practice of Christian contemplation. Learn about it here and at As they celebrate with Fr. Thomas Keating their 30th anniversary, we hear each week from someone who does this contemplative prayer in their "Voices of Grace & Gratitude" series here and on their website. For an overview, see the videos "Reaching Out to the World," "What is Centering Prayer & How Do We Do It?," and "Celebrating 30 Years of Grace & Gratitude."
Centering Prayer and contemplative support from Contemplative Outreach in Silence, Solitude, Solidarity, Service.
The CAC is dedicated to facilitating a universal awakening by providing educational materials, events, and curriculum that bear witness to the Christian tradition of contemplative practice and compassionate action.
Suggested Links
Here are suggested links related to Centering Prayer.
Father Thomas: Gently Waiting for the Beginning
Article posted to the Contemplative Outreach website about Fr. Thomas Keating.
Our God of Surprises
Article posted to the Contemplative Outreach website by Therese Coen of our Contemplative Outreach of Northern Nevada group.
Sacred Space Daily Prayer
This prayer site is a joint apostolate of the Irish Jesuits and Loyola Press.
Father William Meninger, OCSO - Contemplative Meditation
Trappist monk Father William Meniger tells a profound story about how Christian mystical meditation, common with the fourth century desert fathers, is being renewed in today's hectic world. June 16, 2012.
Centering Prayer and the Foundations of Non-dual Awareness - Cynthia Bourgeault
January 9, 2013.
​​Anatomy of Gratitude
Now nearing 90, Brother David Steindl-Rast has lived through a world war, the end of an empire, and the fascist takeover of his country. He's given a TED talk, viewed over five million times, on the subject of gratitude — a practice increasingly interrogated by scientists and physicians as a key to human well-being. He was also an early pioneer, together with Thomas Merton, of dialogue between Christian and Buddhist monastics. In this conversation from a visit to the Gut Aich Priory monastery in St. Gilgen, Austria, he speaks of mysticism as the birthright of every human being, and of the anatomy and practice of gratitude as full-blooded, reality-based, and redeeming. January 21, 2016.
Contemplation with Lectio Divina
Article posted to the Contemplative Outreach website.